What is the TRUST Study?

The TRUST (Technology-based Resources to increase Uptake of Sexual health services for Teens) study is a CDC-funded pilot project. It is a technology-based intervention designed to increase the use of confidential sexual health services and alone time between teens and healthcare providers by strengthening the partnerships between adolescents, mothers, and healthcare providers.

Did you know?

In a recent study, researchers found that only 37% of American children receive time alone with their health care provider. Adolescents who meet with their healthcare provider during the confidential alone time are more likely to tell their providers about behaviors that affect their health and plan to see a healthcare provider again in the future. The long-term objective of the TRUST study is to promote lifelong behaviors that support young people’s health and well-being.


(For English subtitle: click on the "CC" button. For other languages, click on "settings" --> select "subtitles/CC” option --> "English (auto-generated)." Then, click on "Subtitles/CC" again and select "auto-translate." Finally, select your preferred language.)

Who can participate?

Eligible participants will include mother-child dyad:


  • between 11-17 years old
  • receive primary care at either UCSF teens clinic, Chinese Hospital or Fresno teens clinic
  • fluent in English
  • Recruitment Flyer


  • at least 18 years old or above
  • you are a mother of a teen between the ages of 11-17 
  • your teens receive primary care at either UCSF teens clinic, Chinese Hospital or Fresno teens clinic
  • speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin, or Spanish
  • Recruitment Flyer



This study is funded by CDC

Website built by TRUST study interns